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6 MARCH 2023 — monday
7 MARCH 2023 — tuesday
- Cobalt Poets presents a poetry reading featuring Gina Tranisi, co-executive director of the Nebraska Writers Collective, with open mic to follow, online via Zoom, free, 7:30 pm PST (Register to attend: www.poetrysuperhighway.com/cobalt/calendar.html)
- Green Apple Books on the Park features novelist Oindrila Mukherjee, The Dream Builders, a Good Morning America Best Book of January, Green Apple Books on the Park, 1231 9th Avenue, San Francisco, free, 7:00 pm PST (More information here: greenapplebooks.com/event/9th-ave-oindrila-mukherjee-talia-lakshmi-kolluri)
8 MARCH 2023 — wednesday
- City Lights Books presents journalist and writer Lakiesha Carr, discussing her new novel, An Autobiography of Skin, an intimate and moving portrait of Black womanhood, in conversation with fiction writer Maurice Carlos Ruffin, The Ones Who Don't Say They Love You, finalist for the Ernest J. Gaines Award for Literary Excellence, online via Zoom, free, 6:00 pm PST (Register to attend: citylights.com/events)
- The Poetry Center and the Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies co-present renowned Iranian singer Marjan Vahdat and poet Tonya M. Foster in a voice and poetry performance, followed by San Francisco State University student poets and musicians presenting improvised readings with live Persian music, Knuth Hall Creative Arts Building, San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, free, 1:00-3:00 pm PST (More information here: poetry.sfsu.edu/event/international-womens-day-marjan-vahdat-and-tonya-m-foster-performance)
9 MARCH 2023 — thursday
- Green Apple Books on the Park features poet Arielle Estoria reading from The Unfolding: An Invitation to Come Home to Yourself, Green Apple Books on the Park, 1231 9th Avenue, San Francisco, free, 7:00 pm PST (More information here: greenapplebooks.com/event/9th-ave-arielle-estoria-virgie-tovar)
- The San Francisco Public Library presents Poem Jam, this monthly event features poets Sara Biel, Prescribed Burn, Clara Hsu, The First to Escape, Nazelah Jamison, Evolutionary Heart, and Elisa Salasin, hosted by San Francisco Poet Laureate emerita Kim Shuck, What Unseen Thing Blows Wishes Across My Surface?, Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room A, San Francisco Main Library, 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco, free, 6:00-7:15 pm PST (More information here: sfpl.org/events/2023/03/09/author-kim-shucks-poem-jam-celebrates-herstory)
- Book Passage presents New York Times best-selling author, Gabrielle Blair, Ejaculate Responsibly, in conversation with writer and artist Carissa Potter, Book Passage, 1 Ferry Building, San Francisco, free, 6:00 pm PST (More information here: www.bookpassage.com/ejaculateresponsibly23)
10 MARCH 2023 — friday
11 MARCH 2023 — saturday
- Medicine for Nightmares presents filmmakers and visual artists Lourdes Figouroa and Peggy Peralta, discussing their poetry film "La Marimacha Fragments", an "homage and celebration of the brown lesbians of San Pancho," introduction by poet Tatiana Luboviski-Acosta, La Movida, Q&A follows the screening, Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore & Gallery, 3036 24th Street, San Francisco, free, 3:00-4:00 pm PST (More information here: medicinefornightmares.com/events)
12 MARCH 2023 — sunday
- Book Passage presents novelist Eleanor Catton, The Luminaries, Man Booker Prize-winner, discussing her new novel, Birnam Wood, in conversation with Justin Torres, short-fiction writer and author of We The Animals, online, 2:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.bookpassage.com/event/eleanor-catton-justin-torres-birnam-wood-online-event)
- The Monterey Bay Poetry Consortium presents a reading by poet and playwright Simon Hunt, Lesser Magi, and poet, actor, and filmmaker Garland Thompson, City of Pacific Grove's 2007-08 Poet-in-Residence and host of several open mics, online via Zoom, free, 2:00 pm PDT (Email jfellguth@sbcglobal.net by March 11 to receive the Zoom link)
- Medicine for Nightmares presents a film screening of "The Day I Became a Woman," an Iranian film by Marzieh Meshkini that tells the story of three women and their interrelated struggles against societal expectations and limitations; this film highlights women at the forefront of the revolution fighting for human rights under Islamic dictatorship in Iran, Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore & Gallery, 3036 24th Street, San Francisco, free, 6:00-8:00 pm PDT (More information here: medicinefornightmares.com/events)
13 MARCH 2023 — monday
- Odd Mondays Reading Series celebrates International Women's Day with featured authors Valerie Braylovskiy, Natasha Dennerstein, Anatomize, and Judith Serin, Hiding in the World, books available for purchase at the event, Bethany Methodist Church, 1270 Sanchez Street, San Francisco, free, 7:00-8:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.facebook.com/OddMondays)
- City Lights Books presents poet Maggie Millner, reading from her debut book, Couplets, a love story told in poems, in conversation with poets Megan Fernandes, Good Boys, Sam Sax, Bury It, winner of the James Laughlin Award, and Oscar Villalon, ZYZZYVA managing editor, online via Zoom, free, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: citylights.com/events)
14 MARCH 2023 — tuesday
- Cobalt Poets presents a reading featuring poet and editor Robt O'Sullivan Schleith, with open mic to follow, online via Zoom, free, 7:30 pm PST (Register to attend: www.poetrysuperhighway.com/cobalt/calendar.html)
- Green Apple Books presents poet and guitarist and songwriter for the rock band Speedy Ortiz, celebrating her new collection, Cry Perfume, in conversation with novelist Lio Min, Beating Heart Baby, Green Apple Books, 1231 9th Avenue, San Francisco, free, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.greenapplebooks.com/event/9th-ave-sadie-dupuis-lio-min)
- The Poetry Center and the Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies co-present anthropologist, writer, and artist Abou Farman, On Not Dying: Secular Immortality in the Age of Technoscience and Clerks of the Passage, discussing his cross-disciplinary practices and thinking, The Poetry Center, Humanities 512, San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, free, 4:00-6:00 pm PST (More information here: poetry.sfsu.edu/event/undisciplining-fields-abou-farman-tonya-m-foster)
- A reading by poet and performance artist Patricia Smith, winner of the Poetry Foundation's 2021 Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize for lifetime achievement, celebrating her forthcoming book, Unshuttered, hosted by Ellen Bass and Nancy Miller Gomez, $30, entry fee includes a copy of the book, at the private house of a Santa Cruz poet, address and directions will be sent after registration, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.ellenbass.com/events/patricia-smith-reading/?mc_cid=267078f5c8&mc_eid=65eb098795)
- Green Apple Books on the Park features poet, guitarist, and singer-songwriter Sadie Dupuis' new poetry collection, Cry Perfume, described by Publisher's Weekly as "Lively pleasures and searing explorations that are worth revisiting," Green Apple Books on the Park, 1231 9th Avenue, San Francisco, free, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: greenapplebooks.com/event/9th-ave-sadie-dupuis-lio-min)
15 MARCH 2023 — wednesday
- The Green Arcade presents a reading featuring authors Michael Alenyikov, Sorrow's Drive: A Quartet, and Peter Kupfer, The Glassmaker's Son: Looking for the World My Father Left Behind in Nazi Germany, both reading from new work, The Green Arcade, 1680 Market Street, San Francisco, free, 6:30 pm PDT (More information here: thegreenarcade.com)
- KQED Live presents an intimate conversation with Kim Stanly Robinson, The High Sierra: A Love Story, Herbst Theatre, 401 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, $35 admission on Eventbrite, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: greenapplebooks.com/event/offsite-kim-stanley-robinson-kqed-live)
- Jewish Learning Works features poet and translator Marcia Falk, Inner East: Illuminated Poems and Blessings, presenting her groundbreaking Haggadah Night of Beginnings, now in a new second edition, online via Zoom, free, 7:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: jewishlearning.works/event/night-of-beginnings-a-passover-haggadah)
16 MARCH 2023 — thursday
- Speaking Axolotl Reading Series, a monthly Xicanx/Latinx reading series every third Thursday, this month's guest readers will be the organizers and poets of the Flor y Canto International Literary Festival, followed by an open mic, ten-available slots, Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore & Gallery, 3036 24th Street, San Francisco, and online via Zoom, free, 7:00-9:00 pm PDT (More information here: medicinefornightmares.com/events)
- The Booksmith presents poet Heather Bourbeau, Some Days the Bird, celebrating the launch of her poetic memoir, Monarch, joined by San Francisco Poet Laureate emerita Kim Shuck, Exile Heart, and performer and musician Salty Walt, signed copies of the book available for purchase, The Booksmith, 1727 Haight Street, San Francisco, free, 7:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.booksmith.com/event/heather-bourbeau)
- The Poetry Center presents Nava-e Mardom, Persian music performed live in celebration of the Iranian New Year and in support of the people of Iran, Knuth Hall Theater Creative Arts Building, San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, free, 7:00-9:30 pm PST (Register to attend: poetry.sfsu.edu/event/people-iran-music-new-years-liberation)
- Mechanics' Institute celebrates the launch of the Spring 2023 edition of Catamaran Literary Reader, with readings by featured writers Megan Moodie, Gail Newman, Blood Memory, Marsh Hawk Press Poetry Prize-winner, Margit Liesche, Triptych, Lisa Allen Ortiz, Stem, Rajeev Prasad, Paul Skenazy, Temper, CA, Miami University Press Novella Contest-winner, and Jeanne Wagner, Everything Turns into Something Else, Mechanic's Institute, 57 Post Street, San Francisco, members free, public sliding scale $5-10, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.milibrary.org/events/spring-catamaran-launch-party-mar-16-2023)
- International best-selling author Nguyen Phan Que Mai celebrates the release of her second novel, Dust Child, The Ruby, 2507 Bryant Street San Francisco, reserve free seats on Eventbrite, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: greenapplebooks.com/event/offsite-nguyễn-phan-quế-mai-ruby)
17 MARCH 2023 — friday
- Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center presents a reading and conversation with poets, featuring Meliza Bañales, celebrating their new book, Root for the Underdog, joined by poets Angela Aguirre, Confessions of a Firework, Sean Hill, and Brian Sonia-Wallace, The Poetry of Strangers: What I Learned Traveling America with a Typewriter, facilitated by poet and filmmaker Jen Cheng, Shadow of Love, book signing to follow the reading, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free, 8:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.beyondbaroque.org/calendar.html)
- Medicine for Nightmares presents novelist TreVaughn Malik Roach-Carter, celebrating his new book, Her Daughters, winner of the 2023 Michael Rubin Book Award from Fourteen Hills: The SFSU Review, joined in a reading by writers London Pinkney and Lillian Giles, Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore & Gallery, 3036 24th Street, San Francisco, and online via Zoom, free, 6:30-8:30 pm PDT (More information here: medicinefornightmares.com/events)
18 MARCH 2023 — saturday
- Clarion Performing Arts Center presents its third Saturday poetry reading featuring poet and novelist John Curl, Rainbow Weather: Poems for Environmental Healing, and Mahnaz Badihain, poet, painter, and translator, open mic before and after featured poets, Clarion Performing Arts Center, 2 Waverly Place, San Francisco, $6 all-day parking, 1:00-3:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.theclarionsf.org/events/3rd-saturday-poetry-in-chinatown)
- Medicine for Nightmares, with the Los Angeles Poetry Society Acid Verse Literary Journal, present the Acid Verse Tour del Bay Area, featuring poetry readings by Soledad Con Carne, Tauri, and Elizabeth Jiménez Montelongo, with art by Montelongo and photography by artist cheezburgas, followed by an open mic reading, Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore & Gallery, 3036 24th Street, San Francisco, and online via Zoom, free, 7:00-9:00 pm PDT (More information here: medicinefornightmares.com/events)
19 MARCH 2023 — sunday
- Poetry Flash presents a reading and a conversation in poems by Meryl Natchez, Catwalk, and Dean Rader, Self-Portrait as Wikipedia Entry, in person, Art House Gallery & Cultural Center, 2905 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, two blocks north of Ashby BART, free, 3:00 pm PDT (poetryflash.org).
- Ventura County Poetry Projects presents "Remembrance of International Women's Day," an annual reading, hosted by Mary Kay Rummel and featuring Tommee Payan McMakin, Mary Moore Easter, Louise "Weezie" Cathcart, Holaday Mason, Peg Quinn, Amber B. Pagaling, Meliza Bañales, online via Zoom, free, 2:00 pm PDT (Zoom link here: us02web.zoom.us/j/960750160)
20 MARCH 2023 — monday
- Green Apple Books on the Park features Dionne Irving reading from her story collection, The Islands, longlisted for the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction, Green Apple Books on the Park, 1231 9th Avenue, San Francisco, free, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: greenapplebooks.com/event/9th-ave-dionne-irving)
21 MARCH 2023 — tuesday
- Cobalt Poets presents a poetry reading featuring Bryn Wickerd, with open mic to follow, online via Zoom, free, 7:30 pm PST (Register to attend: www.poetrysuperhighway.com/cobalt/calendar.html)
- Green Apple Books presents Miah Jeffra, novelist and founder of Foglifter Press, celebrating their new book, American Gospel, in conversation with novelist Dr. Kai Harris, What the Fireflies Knew, longlisted for the Center for Fiction's First Novel Prize, Green Apple Books on the Park, 1231 9th Avenue, San Francisco, free, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.greenapplebooks.com/event/9th-ave-miah-jeffra-kai-harris)
- City Lights Books presents novelist Robert Lopez, Kamby Bolongo Mean River, named one of the twenty-five most important books of the decade by HTML Giant, discussing his new book, Dispatches From Puerto Nowhere: An American Story of Assimilation and Erasure, in conversation with novelist Sarah Rose Etter, Tongue Party, online via Zoom, free, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: citylights.com/events)
22 MARCH 2023 — wednesday
- The City of West Hollywood's WeHo Reads Series presents "Crafting Literary Legacies," an event celebrating Women's History Month and authors who center women in their stories, featuring novelist Natashia Deón, The Perishing, short fiction writer Toni Ann Johnson, Light Skin Gone to Waste, winner of the 2021 Flannery O'Connor Award, poet and novelist Malia Márquez, This Fierce Blood, and novelist Laura Warrell, Sweet, Soft, Plenty Rhythm, online, free, 6:30 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.weho.org/community/arts-and-culture/literary-arts/weho-reads)
- Book Passage presents Michelle Dowd in conversation with Lusia Smith discussing her new book Forager: Field Notes for Surviving a Family Cult, a true story about her escape from a cult and the survival skills she needed that led her to freedom, Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera, free, 1:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.bookpassage.com/event/michelle-dowd-luisa-smith-forager-corte-madera-store).
- Skylight Books presents an evening of poetry featuring Angela Peñaredondo, nature felt but never apprehended, and Vickie Vertiz, Auto/Body, winner of the Ernest Sandeen Prize in Poetry, with more special guests to be announced, Skylight Books, 1818 N. Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, free, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.skylightbooks.com/event/skylight-angela-pe%C3%B1aredondo-nature-be-felt-vickie-vertiz-autobody)
- Book Passage presents New York Times best-selling author Jaqueline Winspear in conversation with award-winning author Tony Broadbent, discussing her new book The White Lady, a coming-of-age novel of a former wartime operator pulled back into a violent world, Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera, and online, $33, 6:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.bookpassage.com/jacqueline-winspear-white-lady-online-event-ticket-%E2%80%94-book-included).
23 MARCH 2023 — thursday
- Book Passage presents Ana Reyes reading from her debut novel The House in the Pines, a psychological thriller about memory and manipulation, and Claire Jiménez reading from her novel What Happened to Ruthy Ramirez, about a family recovering after the disappearance of thirteen-year-old Ruthy Ramirez, a Special Event Mini Series in honor of Women's History Month, online, free, 6:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.bookpassage.com/event/ana-reyes-house-pines-what-happened-ruthy-ramirez-claire-jim%C3%A9nez-online-event).
- City Lights Books presents poet Charif Shanahan, Into Each Room We Enter without Knowing, Lambda Literary Award finalist, celebrating the publication of his new collection, Trace Evidence, in conversation with poet Solmaz Sharif, Look, finalist for the National Book Award, City Lights Books, 261 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco, and online via Zoom, free, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: citylights.com/events)
24 MARCH 2023 — friday
- The Living Room Reading Series presents a reading on the theme of Education, by Fred Dodsworth, Erin Mansur, James Siegel, and André Le Mont Wilson, The Living Room Salon, 395 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, free, 7:00pm PDT (Register to attend: thelivingroomsf.com)
- Beyond Baroque presents a reading and conversation with poets Mark Irwin, Joyful Orphan, Shimmer, and Elena Karina Byrne, If This Makes You Nervous, No Don't, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, 8:00-11:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.beyondbaroque.org/calendar.html)
25 MARCH 2023 — saturday
- The Ina Coolbrith Circle will hold a memorial service for its long-time president, poet Richard Angilly, who passed away December 17, 2022; the memorial will take the place of the monthly membership meeting, Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley, 1 Lawson Road, Kensington, 1:00-5:00 pm PDT
- Book Passage presents Cara Black reading from her new book Night Flight to Paris, set during the height of Nazi occupation during World War II in the follow-up to Three Hours in Paris, Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera, free, 1:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.bookpassage.com/event/cara-black-night-flight-paris-corte-madera-store).
- Beyond Baroque presents poet Carol V. Davis, Into the Arms of Pushkin: Poems of St. Petersburg, winner of the 2007 T.S. Eliot Prize, celebrating the launch of her fourth collection, Below Zero, an exploration of Siberia and borders, faith and doubt, home and belonging, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free, 7:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.beyondbaroque.org/calendar.html)
- Book Passage presents Andrea Dunlop reading from her new novel Women Are the Fiercest Creatures, three women take on their manipulative CEO who wrote them out of his startup's history, and Mary Otis reads from her debut novel, Burst, about the complex relationship between mothers and daughters, a Special Event Mini Series in Honor of Women's History Month, online, free, 4:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.bookpassage.com/event/andrea-dunlop-women-are-fiercest-creatures-mary-otis-burst-online-event).
- Medicine for Nightmares presents poet Ernest Garai, reading from his new collection, Reverberating Voices, joined by San Francisco Poet Laureate Tongo Eisen-Martin, Heaven Is All Goodbyes, California Book Award-winner; activist and poet Bernice Espinoza; and poet N'game Gray, Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore & Gallery, 3036 24th Street, San Francisco, and online via Zoom, free, 6:00-8:00 pm PDT (More information here: medicinefornightmares.com/events)
26 MARCH 2023 — sunday
- Book Passage presents Cathleen Schine reading from her new book Künstler's in Paradise, a comedic coming-of-age story about a young man and his eccentric grandmother, Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera, free, 1:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.bookpassage.com/event/cathleen-schine-k%C3%BCnstlers-paradise-corte-madera-store).
- Beyond Baroque celebrates the life of Doug Knotts (1943-2022), poet, performer, and former president of Beyond Baroque's Board of Trustees, author of several books including the poetry collection Small Dogs Bark Cartoons, with readings, performances, and remembrances by Quentin Ring, Janet Sager Knott, The Mighty Echoes, Peter Lownds, John Fleck, Phoebe MacAdams Ozuna, Laurel Ann Bogen, John Doe, Exene Cervenka, Richard Modiano, Jerry the Priest, Jerome Dunn, Nelson Gary, Alexa Hunter, Marsha de la Oh, Phil, Joe Culp, Andy Schwartz, Neal Taylor, Mike M Mollett, Michael Lane Bruner, and S.A. Griffin, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free, 1:00-4:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.beyondbaroque.org/calendar.html)
- Medicine for Nightmares presents a chapbook jam, with featured Nomadic Press poets Rachelle Escamilla, Space Junk from the Heavenly Palace; Yeva Johnsonis, Analog Poet Blues; Antmenantmen Pimentel Mendoza, My Boyfriend Apocalypse; Kimberly Acevedo, Ryan Nakano, I Am Minor; Edward Gunawan, The Way Back; and Lourdes Figueroa, Ruidos = To Learn Speak, Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore & Gallery, 3036 24th Street, San Francisco, free, 3:00-5:00 pm PDT (More information here: medicinefornightmares.com/events)
- The Village Poets of Sunland-Tujunga presents a reading with featured poets Toti O'Brien, Alter Alter, Pages of a Broken Diary, and Linda Dove, Fearn, with two open mic sessions, Bolton Hall Museum, 10110 Commerce Avenue, Tujunga, Los Angeles, suggested donation $5, 4:30 pm PDT (More information here: villagepoets.blogspot.com)
- Book Passage presents Ivy Ross and Susan Magsamen in conversation with Tiffany Shlain discussing their latest book Your Brain on Art, a journey through the neurobiology of art and how it makes a positive impact on our everyday lives, Book Passage 51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera, free, 4:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.bookpassage.com/event/ivy-ross-and-susan-magsamen-tiffany-shlain-your-brain-art-corte-madera-store).
27 MARCH 2023 — monday
- Book Passage presents an offsite event with Dr. Lisa Damour discussing her latest book The Emotional Lives of Teenagers: Raising Connected, Capable, and Compassionate Adolescents, guidance on helping teens and how to address adolescent mental health, Osher Marin JCC, 200 N. San Pedro Road, San Rafael, and online, free, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.bookpassage.com/event/jacqueline-winspear-tony-broadbent-white-lady-corte-madera-store).
- Book Passage presents Philip Taubman discussing his definitive biography In the Nation's Service, detailing George P. Shultz's journey as the US Secretary of Labor, Secretary of the Treasury, and Secretary of State during the end of the Cold War, Book Passage, 1 Ferry Building, San Francisco, free, 2:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.bookpassage.com/event/philip-taubman-nation%E2%80%99s-service-ferry-building-store).
- Silvia Vasquez-Lavado discusses her latest book, In the Shadow of the Mountain, a thrilling memoir detailing her journey to Mount Everest, sponsored by Book Passage, offsite at Dominican University of California, 50 Acacia Avenue, San Rafael, $30, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.bookpassage.com/intheshadowofthemountain23).
28 MARCH 2023 — tuesday
- Cobalt Poets presents a poetry reading featuring Derek Brown, with open mic to follow, online via Zoom, free, 7:30 pm PST (Register to attend: www.poetrysuperhighway.com/cobalt/calendar.html)
- Book Passage presents Helena Fox, reading from her latest novel The Quiet and the Loud, in conversation with novelist Kathleen Glasgow, Girl in Pieces, online, free, 5:30 pm PDT (More information here: www.bookpassage.com/event/helena-fox-kathleen-glasgow-quiet-and-loud-online-event).
- City Lights Books presents novelist Belén Gopegui, La escala de los mapas [The Scale of Maps], discussing her new book, Stay This Day and Night with Me, in conversation with Mark Schafer, translator of the book, online via Zoom, free, Noon PDT (Register to attend: citylights.com/events)
- Medicine for Nightmares presents translator and poet Dong Li, reading and discussing his debut collection, The Orange Tree, in conversation with poet Forrest Gander, Be With, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore & Gallery, 3036 24th Street, San Francisco, and online via Zoom, free, 7:00-8:30 pm PDT (More information here: medicinefornightmares.com/events)
29 MARCH 2023 — wednesday
30 MARCH 2023 — thursday
- The Breakroom Poetry Mic presents an open-mic hosted by Jason Bayani, Hieu Mihn Nguyen, and sam sax, Gilman Brewing Company, 912 Gilman Street, Berkeley, free, 7:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: gilmanbrew.com/event-type/show)
- A night of poetry in collaboration with the show Hechizos, with featured artist and poet Leticia Hernández-Linares, Mucha Muchacha, Too Much Girl, joining Leticia to read are poets Flavia Mora, Anna Rodas, Entre cenizas y palmas, Dr. Ayodele Nzinga, first Poet Laureate of Oakland, and Yaccaira Salvatierra, Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore & Gallery, 3036 24th Street, San Francisco, free, 7:00-8:30 pm PDT (More information here: medicinefornightmares.com/events)
- Writers Read Ukiah presents former Ukiah Poet Laureate Jabez W. Churchill, with an open mic reading to follow, $5 suggested donation, Grace Hudson Museum, 431 South Main Street, Ukiah, 7:00 pm PDT
- City Lights Books presents novelist and critic Yxta Maya Murray, Art Is Everything, celebrating her new book, God Went Like That, about the environmental damage caused by the Simi Valley nuclear power accidents, in conversation with writer and performer Jocelyn Saidenberg, Kith & Kin, online via Zoom, free, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: citylights.com/events)
- Sausalito Books by the Bay presents Susan Wels discussing her book An Assassin in Utopia: The True Story of a Nineteenth-Century Sex Cult and a President's Murder in conversation with Celeste Perry, Sausalito Books by the Bay, 100 Bay Street, Sausalito, free, 6:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.sausalitobooksbythebay.com/2023-events/author-event-susan-wels-an-assassin-in-utopia).
31 MARCH 2023 — friday
- Beyond Baroque presents an evening of poetry and jazz, featuring readings by Rhys Langston, Language Arts Unit: a Rap Textbook, A.K. Toney, and Tori Gesualdo, with music by The Cesar Hernandez Quintet, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free, doors open 7:30 pm, performances begin 8:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.beyondbaroque.org/calendar.html)
- Green Apple Books presents poet Monica Youn, Ignatz, finalist for the National Book Award, reading from and discussing her new book, From From, in conversation with poet Solmaz Sharif, Look, finalist for the National Book Award, Green Apple Books, 1231 9th Aveue, San Francisco, free, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.greenapplebooks.com/event/9th-ave-monica-youn-solmaz-sharif)
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