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3 JUNE 2021 — thursday
- The Marin Poetry Center presents "California Ecopoetry: Loss and Resilience," a reading from two anthologies, Lucille Lang Day and Ruth Nolan, editors of Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California, present contributing poets Paul Belz, Maureen Eppstein, Diane Frank, Barbara Quick, and Patti Trimble, Molly Fisk, editor of California Fire & Water: A Climate Chris Anthology, presents contributing poets Katy Brown, Gail Rudd Entrekin, Katherine Harer, Jackleen Holton Hookway, Alison Luterman, and Mary Zeppa, with host Dave Seter, co-sponsored by the Mill Valley Public Library, free, online, 7:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ehzmfsvy7c796407&oseq=&c=&ch=, or visit: www.marinpoetrycenter.org)
- The Bay Area Book Festival presents Booker Prize-winning author Richard Flanagan, discussing his new novel, The Living Sea of Waking Dreams, in conversation with poet and translator Jane Hirshfield, Ledger, $20, $40 includes a copy of the book, online, 7:00-8:00 pm PDT (Purchase tickets here: www.baybookfest.org)
- City Lights Books celebrates the 85th anniversary of New Directions publishers, founded in 1936 by James Laughlin, publisher of numerous legendary anthologies and authors, including Andre Gide, Gary Snyder, William Carlos Williams, Yoko Tawada, Pablo Nerudo, and many others, featuring poets Mei-me Berssenbrugge, Nathaniel Tarn, Susan Howe, Michael Palmer, and others, translator Elliot Weinberger, Barbara Epler, president of New Directions, Declan Spring, vice president and senior editor of New Directions, and other surprise guests, emceed by Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and translator Forrest Gander, Be With, free, online, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.eventbrite.com/e/new-directions-85-the-anniversary-celebration-tickets-151262318667)
4 JUNE 2021 — friday
- Skylight Books presents a group reading from Wave Books poets, featuring Joshua Beckman, Animal Days, Sawako Nakayasu, Some Girls Walk Into The Country They Are From, Srikanth Reddy, Underworld Lit, and Lisa Fishman, Mad World, Mad Kings, Mad Competition, free, online, 6:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.skylightbooks.com/event/live-crowdcast-wave-books-group-poetry-reading)
5 JUNE 2021 — saturday
- Clarion Performing Arts Center presents an afternoon of poetry, music, and film, beginning with a poetry open mic at 1:00 pm, hosted by poet Greg Pond, Afternoon, Blackened Blue, with a musical performance by Daniel Berkman on the kora, a twenty-one-stringed harp lute from West Africa, followed by a viewing of filmmaker Brent Benaway's travel documentaries to Mexico and Colombia, in person at the Clarion Performing Arts Center, 2 Waverly Place, San Francisco, free, 1:00 pm PDT (More information: clarionmusic.com)
- City Lights Books presents Chet'la Sebree, poet and director of the Stadler Center for Poetry and Literary Arts at Bucknell University, reading from and discussing her collection of poetry, Field Study, winner of the 2020 James Laughlin Award, in conversation with poet Dantiel W. Moniz, Milk Blood Heat, free, online via Zoom, 3:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.citylights.com/bookstore/?fa=event&event_id=3799)
- The acclaimed poetry and jazz group Daughters of Yam present a rare performance, "Working These Times on the Downbeat," featuring former San Francisco Poet Laureate devorah major, califia's daughter, poet Opal Palmer Adisa, I Name Me Name and Painting Away Regrets, with musical performance by Babatunde Lea on drums and percussion, Destiny Muhammad on harp and vocals, and Richard Howell on saxophone, $10, online, 4:00 pm PDT (Purchase tickets here: www.eventbrite.com/e/working-in-these-times-on-the-downbeat-tickets-154315725489)
6 JUNE 2021 — sunday
- The Marin Poetry Center Traveling Show is a series of poetry readings featuring new and longtime members of MPC, this reading featuring poets Peggy Schimmelman, Tick-Tock, Gail Rudd Entrekin, Rearrangement of the Invisible, Marshell Lane, Mary Jean Pramik, Jodi Hottel, Voyeur, and Susan Browne, Just Living, free, online, 3:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.marinpoetrycenter.org/programs/trav-show)
7 JUNE 2021 — monday
- Rivertown Poets presents an open mic poetry reading, three-minutes per reader, hosted by poet and artist Sande Anfang, Xylem Highway, held the first and third Mondays of the month, free, online via Zoom, 6:15 pm PDT (Register to attend/sign up for open mic: aqus.com/rivertownpoets)
- Rivertown Poets presents a poetry reading featuring Connie Post, Prime Meridian, and Kevin Gunn, Hey, Yard Duty, Johnny Said the "F" Word, open mic to follow, three-minutes per reader, hosted by poet and artist Sande Anfang, Xylem Highway, held the first and third Mondays of the month, free, online via Zoom, 6:15 pm PDT (Register to attend/sign up for open mic: aqus.com/rivertownpoets)
- Odd Mondays Reading Series presents three writers reading from new work, featuring novelist Ethel Rohan, In Event of Contact, novelist Yang Huang, My Good Son, and poet Adrian Ernesto Cepeda, La Belle Ajar, free, online, 7:00-8:00 pm PDT (Email: oddmondaysnoevalley@gmail.com for the Zoom link; RSVP on Facebook: www.facebook.com/events/300337981722298)
- Book Passage presents nonfiction author Lisa Taddeo, Three Women, discussing her debut novel Animal, in conversation with novelist and screenwriter Stephanie Danler, Stray, Sweetbitter, and novelist Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl, free, online, 6:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.bookpassage.com/taddeo-flynn)
8 JUNE 2021 — tuesday
- Cobalt Poets presents a poetry reading featuring Chrystophver R, open mic to follow, free, online via Zoom, 7:30 pm PDT (Zoom link here: www.poetrysuperhighway.com/cobalt/calendar.html)
- Coastside Poetry presents a reading featuring the Poet Laureate of Belmont, California, Jacki Rigoni, whose work has been published in Nimrod International Journal and Moon City Review, free, online via YouTube Live, 6:00-8:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: coastsidepoetry.org/current-features)
- City Lights Books presents David Talbot, journalist and founder of Salon, and Margaret Talbot, The New Yorker journalist and one of the founding editors of Lingua Franca, discussing their new book, By The Light of Burning Dreams: The Triumphs and Tragedies of the Second American Revolution, an insightful look at the numerous leaders during the 1960s and 70s, including Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, and the United Farm Workers; Craig Rodwell and the Gay Pride movement; Bobby Seale and the Black Panthers; and John Lennon and Yoko Ohno; free, online via Zoom, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.citylights.com/bookstore/?fa=event&event_id=3794)
9 JUNE 2021 — wednesday
- City Lights Books presents best-selling author and professor Carol Anderson, White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Nation's Divide, discussing her new book, The Second: Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America, in conversation with writer Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz, Not "A Nation of Immigrants": Settler Colonialism, White Supremacy, and a History of Erasure and Exclusion, free, online, 5:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.citylights.com/bookstore/?fa=event&event_id=3795)
- Skylight Books presents best-selling novelist Kristen Arnett, Mostly Dead Things, discussing her new novel, With Teeth, in conversation with novelist and essayist Esmé Weijun Wang, The Collected Schizophrenias: Essays, winner of the Northern California Book Award in Creative Nonfiction, and The Border of Paradise, free, online, 6:30 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.skylightbooks.com/event/live-crowdcast-kristen-arnett-discusses-teeth-esme-weijun-wang)
10 JUNE 2021 — thursday
- Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center presents a reading featuring poet and performer Puma Perl, Birthdays Before and After and Ruby True, and Iris Berry, writer, musician, and co-founder of Punk Hostage Press, free, online, 6:00-7:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.beyondbaroque.org/calendar.html)
- San Francisco Public Library presents the monthly Poem Jam, hosted by San Francisco Poet Laureate emerita Kim Shuck, Deer Trails, with special guests, free, online, 6:00-7:15 pm PDT (Register to attend: sfpl.org/events/2021/06/10/performance-kim-shucks-poem-jam)
11 JUNE 2021 — friday
- Poetry Santa Cruz presents Fog and Light: San Francisco Through the Eyes of the Poets Who Live Here, a reading celebrating this new anthology featuring poets Dane Cervine, The World Is God's Language, Robine Lysne, Stephen Kessler, Garage Elegies, Jennifer Lagier, Meditations on Seascapes and Cypress, and the editor Diane Frank, Canon for Bears and Ponderosa Pines, free, online via Zoom, 5:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: mailchi.mp/santacruzwrites/zoomforward59)
- San Diego Poetry and Art (SDPA) presents a poetry reading featuring poets and writers previously published in the San Diego Poetry Annual, as well as any newcomers and poets in the community who would like to read, with two dates available, June 11 and June 18, free, online, 6:00-8:00 pm PDT (Sign up to read/to attend in the audience: poetryandartsd.com/2021/05/19/sdpa-june-11-18-open-readings)
12 JUNE 2021 — saturday
- The Sacramento Poetry Alliance presents poet and short story writer Jeff Ewing, reading from his debut poetry collection, Wind Apples, at the Sacramento Poetry Alliance, 1169 Perkins Way, Sacramento, free, 7:30 pm PDT (More info here: www.sacramentopoetryalliance.com)
13 JUNE 2021 — sunday
- Blue Light at the Gallery celebrates the publication of the anthology 101 Jewish Poems for the Third Millennium, with a poetry reading by Julia Knobloch, Linda Blachman, Tony Barnstone, Maia Evrona, Ken Seide, Pat Averbach, Rachel Neve-Midbar, Susan Rich, Sharon Dolin, Joanna Fuhrman, Jeff Friedman, Marjorie Agosin, Alison Ridley (translator for Marjorie Agosin), Diane Frank, and Nancy Naomi Carlson, free, online via Zoom, 4:00 pm PDT (RSVP to bluelightpress@aol.com for the Zoom link)
- The Monterey Bay Poetry Consortium presents a reading featuring poet and translator Elliot Ruchowitz-Roberts, White Fire, and poet Brandi Kary, whose work has been published in Red River Review, Virga Magazine, and Homestead Review, free, online via Zoom, 2:00 pm PDT (Email: jfellguth@sbcglobal.net by 5:00 pm PDT Saturday, June 12 for the Zoom link)
- Omnidawn Publishing presents their Spring Book Launch, a reading by poets Damon Potter and Truong Tran, 100 Words, editor Brody Parrish Craig, Boyish, poet Katie Peterson, Life in a Field, novelist Kristin Keane, Luminaries, and poet Roberto Harrison, Tropical Lung exi(s)t(s), hosted by The Booksmith, free, online, 1:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.booksmith.com/event/omnidawn-spring-2021)
14 JUNE 2021 — monday
15 JUNE 2021 — tuesday
- Kepler's Literary Foundation presents a book launch for In the Heights: Finding Home, with a discussion on the humble beginnings of the hit Broadway show and the importance of creativity and community, featuring award-winning composer and actor Lin-Manuel Miranda, playwright and lyricist Quiera Alegría Hudes, and writer and producer Jeremy McCarter, Young Radicals, $48 (ticket includes a copy of the book), online, 5:00 pm-6:00 pm PDT (Purchase tickets here: www.keplers.org/upcoming-events-internal/lin-manuel-21)
- The Not Yet Dead Poets Society presents poet Charlotte Muse, reading from her new collection of poems, In Which I Forgive the River, open mic to follow, free, in person at Cafe Zoe, 1929 Menalto Avenue, Menlo Park, 5:00 pm PDT (More information: www.cafezoehub.com/music-events)
- The Bay Area Book Festival presents novelist Keenan Norris, discussing The Confession of Copeland Cane, in conversation with poet and journalist Dr. Michael Datcher, Raising Fences: A Black Man's Love Story, free, online, 7:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.baybookfest.org)
- Cobalt Poets presents a reading featuring poet Kathabela Wilson, creator of Tanka Poets on Site, a pblic group on Facebook, open mic to follow, free, online via Zoom, 7:30 pm PDT (Zoom link here: www.poetrysuperhighway.com/cobalt/calendar.html)
16 JUNE 2021 — wednesday
17 JUNE 2021 — thursday
- The Mechanics' Institute presents a Juneteenth Tribute to James Baldwin, featuring a discussion of Baldwin's life and work with writer and editor James Campbell, Talking at the Gates: A Life of James Baldwin, essayist Clifford Thompson, What It Is: Race, Family and One Thinking Black Man's Blues, and poet and playwright Jewelle Gomez, Waiting for Giovanni, free for members, $5 for nonmembers, online via Zoom, Noon PDT (Register to attend: www.milibrary.org/events/juneteenth-tribute-james-baldwin-zoom-jun-17-2021)
- Brilliant Playground presents "Freedom to Write," a workshop led by poet Maxima Kahn, Fierce Aria; attendees hone their writing skills by writing and sharing their work in a group and will practice writing on a regular basis, runs nine weeks, June 17 to August 19, with no session on July 22, $397, online via Zoom, 4:00-6:00 pm PDT (Enroll here: brilliantplayground.com/freedom-to-write)
- Point Arena Third Thursday Poetry presents a poetry reading featuring Lake Country Poet Laureate Georgina Marie Guardado, Tree Speak and Finding the Roots of Water, open mic to follow, free, online via Zoom, 7:00 pm PDT (Email: blake@snakelyone.com for Zoom link/to sign up for open mic; more information here: www.artsmendocino.org/event/point-arena-third-thursday-poetry-series-virtual-zoom-reading-6)
- The You're Going to Die Team presents Poetry, Prose, and Everything Goes…, an open mic reading and performance, share poetry, prose, music, artwork, dance, or any other performance with the community, five minutes per performance, "sign-ups" for the open mic will be available on the Zoom call, free, donations welcome, online, 6:30-9:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.facebook.com/events/802249803747481)
- City Lights Books presents Laura Raicovich, author, former president and executive director of the Queens Museum, discussing her new book, Culture Strike: Art and Museums in an Age of Protest, about the origins of art museums as colonial institutions and how they can be reinvented to better serve the public, in conversation with activist and writer Malkia Devich-Cyril, free, online, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.citylights.com/bookstore/?fa=event&event_id=3804)
- Book Passage presents novelist and poet Ocean Vuong discussing his debut novel, On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous, a deeply moving family portrait written in the form of a son's letter to his mother, in conversation with novelist Robert Jones, Jr., The Prophets, $5, online, 5:30 pm PDT (Purchase tickets here: www.bookpassage.com/oceanvuong)
18 JUNE 2021 — friday
- Point Reyes Books presents journalist and nature writer Cal Flyn discussing her new book, Islands of Abandonment: Nature Rebounding in the Post-Human Landscape, about spaces on earth abandoned by humans, whether from war, disease, or other disasters, that nature has sprung and reclaimed in astounding ways, free, online, Noon PDT (Register to attend: www.ptreyesbooks.com/event/cal-flyn)
- Skylight Books presents TV writer Danielle Henderson, Maniac and Difficult People, discussing her new memoir, The Ugly Cry, in conversation with journalist Ann Friedman, Big Friendship: How We Keep Each Other Close, free, online, 6:30 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.skylightbooks.com/event/live-crowdcast-danielle-henderson-discusses-ugly-cry-ann-friedman)
- San Diego Poetry and Art (SDPA) presents a poetry reading featuring poets and writers previously published in the San Diego Poetry Annual, as well as any newcomers and poets in the community who would like to read, free, online, 6:00-8:00 pm PDT (Sign up to read/to attend in the audience: poetryandartsd.com/2021/05/19/sdpa-june-11-18-open-readings)
19 JUNE 2021 — saturday
- Book Passage presents a three-hour live poetry session led by former United States Poet Laureate Billy Collins, Whale Day: And Other Poems and The Rain in Portugal; attendees will learn about the process of composing a poem and what goes on in a poet's mind when their writing is in progress, $75, online, 1:00-4:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.bookpassage.com/billycollins2021)
- Poetry Center San Jose presents "Beautiful Black Books," a program featuring Black writers in conversation followed by an audience Q&A, featuring spoken word poet and clinical psychologist Dr. Donny Jackson, One Man Shown, boy, hosted by poet Tshaka Campbell, free, online, 7:00-9:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.facebook.com/events/192254569433957)
- Art, Creativity, and Psychoanalysis Book Series presents a celebration for the publication of Poetry and Psychoanalysis: The Opening of the Field, by poet and psychotherapist David Shaddock, published by Routledge Press, who will read selections from his book as well as his poetry, followed by questions from the audience, free, online via Zoom, 10:00 am-11:30 am PDT (Zoom meeting ID: 822 3675 5632, password: Poetry; for more information, email: gahagman@optonline.net)
- Sacramento Poetry Alliance presents D.R. Wagner, in a poetry reading from his new work, Distant Lights, a four-book quartet featuring poetry, prose, and artwork in The Stillness Before Speech, Objects of Desire, A Book of Fixed Stars, and Years of Pilgrimage, hosted by poet Tim Kahl, The Century of Travel, free, at the Sacramento Poetry Alliance at 1169 Perkins Way, Sacramento, 7:30 pm PDT (More information here: www.facebook.com/events/946413116191632)
20 JUNE 2021 — sunday
- City Lights Books presents an evening of readings from poets published by Black Ocean, an independent publisher based in Boston, featuring poets Carrie Olivia Adams, Intervening Absence, Zachary Schomburg, Scary, No Scary, poet and translator Hedgie Choi, and poet Nathan Hoks, Reveilles, The Narrow Circle, free, online via Zoom, 3:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.citylights.com/bookstore/?fa=event&event_id=3814)
- The Marin Poetry Center presents the Traveling Show, a series of poetry readings featuring new and longtime members of MPC, this reading features poet James Gronvold, Word and Mortar, poet and cellist Tova Green, dancer and poet Maxine Flasher-Düzgüneş, MPC's Inaugural Youth Poet Ambassador Harita Kalvai, poet Sharon Pretti, and poet Robin Lee, free, online, 3:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.marinpoetrycenter.org/programs/trav-show)
- Book Passage presents best-selling novelists Alka Joshi, The Henna Artist, and Sujata Massey, The Widows of Malabar Hill, discussing their new books, The Secret Keeper of Jaipur and The Bombay Prince, respectively, in conversation with actor and activist Freida Pinto, known for movies such as Slumdog Millionaire and Desert Dancer, free, online, 1:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.bookpassage.com/event/alka-joshi-secret-keeper-jaipur)
- Poetry Flash presents a virtual poetry reading by Norman Fischer, There was a clattering as…, and poememoirist Linda Norton, Wite Out: Love and Work, online via Zoom, free, 3:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: please click here; you will receive an email with a link to join the reading)
21 JUNE 2021 — monday
- Rivertown Poets presents a poetry reading featuring Anita May and Ernesto Garay, Reverberating Voices, open mic to follow, three-minutes per reader, hosted by poet and artist Sande Anfang, Xylem Highway, held the first and third Mondays of the month, free, online via Zoom, 6:15 pm PDT (Register to attend/sign up for open mic: aqus.com/rivertownpoets)
22 JUNE 2021 — tuesday
- Skylight Books presents professor and writer Moya Bailey discussing her new book, Misogynoir Transformed: Black Women's Digital Resistance, delving into misogynoir, a term Bailey coined to describe the anti-Black and misogynistic ways Black women are represented in digital spaces, in conversation with activist Mariame Kaba, We Do This 'Til We Free Us, free, online, 5:30 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.skylightbooks.com/event/live-crowdcast-moya-bailey-discusses-misogynoir-transformed-mariame-kaba)
- Join poet and musician Gill Sotu for The Poet's Tree, a live music and poetry performance featuring performers Karla Cordero, Michael Klam, Lem "Saint" Gonsalves, Joe Hernandez-Kolski, Lee Coulter, and Marjorie Pezzoli, Old Globe Plaza, 1363 Old Globe Way, San Diego, free, 5:30-6:30 pm PDT
- City Lights Books presents author and editor Benjamin Hedin, In Search of the Movement: The Struggle for Civil Rights Then and Now, reading from and discussing his debut novel, Under the Spell, free, online via Zoom, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.citylights.com/bookstore/?fa=event&event_id=3767)
- Join Poetic License Sonoma every fourth Tuesday for an evening of poetry readings featuring the nine poets that make up Poetic License Sonoma, Susanne Arrhenius, Jeffrey Bartfeld, Joseph Cutler, Paul DeMarco, Kusum Irene Jain, Leo McCloskey, Steve Trenam, Judith Vaughn, and Jaime Zukowski, with special guest poet Diane Frank, Canon for Bears and Ponderosa Pines, free, with donations welcome, 7:00-8:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: poeticlicensesonoma.com/events)
23 JUNE 2021 — wednesday
- Point Reyes Books presents best-selling author Emily Rapp Black, Poster Child: A Memoir, discussing her new book Frida Kahlo and My Left Leg, about her relationship to her body and the compulsion to hide disabilities that is often encouraged by ableist society, through the lens of Frida Kahlo's art and life, in conversation with poet and essayist Matthew Zapruder, Sun Bear, Why Poetry, free, online, 7:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.ptreyesbooks.com/event/emily-rapp-black-and-matthew-zapruder)
- Red Hen Press presents poet David Campos, Furious Dusk, and novelist and artist Maceo Montoya, The Scoundrel and the Optimist, presenting and discussing their new book, American Quasar, a collection of poetry and art, free, online, 4:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.facebook.com/redhenpress)
- Book Passage presents writer and performer M. Leona Godin, The Star of Happiness, The Spectator and the Blind Man, discussing her new book, There Plant Eyes: A Personal and Cultural History of Blindness, examining the history of blindness, the myths that have grown around it, as well as scientific studies and developments in accessibility, including the author's perspective as someone who began losing her vision at age ten, free, online, 1:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.bookpassage.com/event/m-leona-godin-there-plant-eyes-personal-and-cultural-history-blindness-online-event)
24 JUNE 2021 — thursday
- Community of Writers presents the 2021 Benefit Poetry Reading, featuring poets Kazim Ali, The Voice of Sheila Chandra, Blas Falconer, Forgive the Body This Failure, Forrest Gander, Be With, winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry), Robert Hass, The Apple Trees at Olema, Time and Materials, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award), Brenda Hillman. Extra Hidden Life, among the Days, Seasonal Works With Letters on Fire, winner of the 2014 Griffin International Poetry Prize, Sharon Olds, Arias, Stag's Leap, winner of the Pulitzer Prize, and Evie Shockley, the new black, semiautomatic, both winners of the Hurston/Wright Legacy Award, emceed by poet Ananda Lima, Mother/land; this event benefits the Community of Writers' scholarship fund, event free, donations welcome, online via Zoom, 5:30 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: communityofwriters.org/events/event/2021-benefit-poetry-reading)
- Poetry Flash presents a virtual poetry reading to celebrate Fog and Light: San Francisco Through the Eyes of the Poets Who Live Here, a new anthology, with contributors Vince Gotera, Ken Haas, Jodi Hottel, Kathleen McClung, Gwynn O'Gara, and editor Diane Frank, online via Zoom, free, 7:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: please click here; you will receive an email with a link to join the reading)
- City Lights Books presents novelist Doug Henderson, discussing his new novel, The Cleveland Heights LGBTQ Sci-Fi and Fantasy Role Playing Club, in conversation with novelist K.M. Soehnlein, The World of Normal Boys, free, online, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.citylights.com/bookstore/?fa=books_events)
25 JUNE 2021 — friday
- Green Apple Books presents poet and essayist Jenny Bitner, reading from and discussing her debut novel, Here is a Game We Could Play, a story set in Pennsylvania in the 1990s that follows a woman who, stuck in the rundown industrial town where she grew up, turns to fantasy and books to escape the darker memories of her past, free, online via Zoom, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.greenapplebooks.com/event/virtual-event-jenny-bitner)
- Junior High, Not a Cult, and Skylight Books present poet and former Youth Poet Laureate of Los Angeles Rhiannon McGavin reading from and discussing her new book, Grocery List Poems, free, held at Junior High, Inc.'s outdoor venue at 603 South Brand Boulevard, Glendale, California, 6:30 pm PDT (More information here: juniorhighlosangeles.com/calendar/rhiannonmcgavin)
26 JUNE 2021 — saturday
- The Richmond Literary Arts Center presents a reading featuring poet and translator Katie Farris, boysgirls, and acclaimed poet Ilya Kaminsky, Deaf Republic and Dancing in Odessa, open mic to follow, free, online, Noon PDT (RSVP: roblipton@gmail.com for the Zoom link)
- Join poet Alice Pero, Thawed Stars, and artist Vera Campion for the launch of their new book, Beyond Birds and Answers, a dialogue of poetry and collages, free, donations welcome, online, 2:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: tinyurl.com/ckjt9uh6)
- The Sacramento Poetry Alliance presents novelist and short story writer Bill Pieper, Forgive Me, Father, Belonging, reading from his new collection, Borders and Boundaries, hosted by poet Tim Kahl, Sacramento Poetry Alliance, 1169 Perkins Way, Sacramento, free, 7:30 pm PDT (More information here: www.facebook.com/events/315435636893970)
27 JUNE 2021 — sunday
- California Poets in the Schools presents a virtual open mic reading, featuring CalPoets's Poet-Teachers Claire Blotter, Moment in the Moment House, and Ernesto M. Garay, Reverberating Voices, with open mic to follow, hosted by Susan Terence, California Poets in the Schools San Francisco Area Coordinator, free, donations welcome, online via Zoom, 7:00 pm PDT (Register to attend or to read at the open mic: www.californiapoets.org/events/virtual-open-mic-4)
- San Diego Writers, Ink presents "The Poems of Charles Bukowski," a workshop led by poet and owner of Vault Publishing, Sunny Rey, Quotes and Poems by a Nobody, and poet and spoken word artist Anthony Azzarito, $36 members, $42 nonmembers, online, 10:00 am-Noon PDT (Enroll here: www.sandiegowriters.org/poems-of-charles-bukowski-sunny-rey)
- Avenue 50 Studio presents the La Palabra Poetry Reading, featuring poets Lisbeth Coiman, Uprising/Alzamiento, jo reyes-boitel, mouth, and Donna Spruijt-Metz, hosted by poet and educator Angelina Sáenz, free, online via Zoom, number 881 0616 8718, 2:00 pm PDT (More information here: avenue50studio.org/la-palabra)
- Sixteen Rivers Press presents a poetry reading featuring Anne Marie Macari, Heaven Beneath, Red Deer, and Julia B. Levine, Small Disasters Seen in Sunlight, winner of the Northern California Book Award for Poetry, hosted by poet Eliot Schain, part of the Sixteen Rivers Presents reading series, free, online via Zoom, 3:00 pm PDT (Zoom link here: sixteenrivers.org/sixteen-rivers-presents-anne-marie-macari-and-julia-b-levine)
- The Claremont Library presents a reading featuring poets Romaine Washington, Purgatory Has an Address and Sirens in Her Belly, and Anna Leahy, What Happened Was, Aperture, part of the Fourth Sundays reading series, free, online via Facebook Live, 2:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.facebook.com/fourthsundayspoetry)
- The Mechanics' Institute, in conjunction with Arion Press, celebrate Arion Press's broadside of poet and translator Chun Yu's poem "The Map," with a poetry reading by Yu, followed by a conversation between Yu and poet Michael Warr, Of Poetry and Protest: From Emmett Till to Trayvon Martin; this event co-presented by the Two Languages/One Community project, free, both online via Zoom and in-person at Arion Press, 1802 Hays Street, San Francisco, 3:00-5:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.milibrary.org/events/events-activities)
28 JUNE 2021 — monday
29 JUNE 2021 — tuesday
- Green Apple Books presents novelist Rivka Galchen, Atmospheric Disturbances and Little Labours, reading from and discussing her new novel, Everyone Knows Your Mother is a Witch, in conversation with novelist Paul La Forge, The Night Ocean, free, online via Zoom, free, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.greenapplebooks.com/event/virtual-event-rivka-galchen-and-paul-la-farge)
- City Lights Books presents poet and playwright Camille Roy discussing her new book, Honey Mine, a collection of short fiction exploring coming of age in Chicago's South Side and youth in the lesbian underground, in conversation with poet and writer Eileen Myles, Chelsea Girls, free, online, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.citylights.com/bookstore/?fa=books_events)
- Cobalt Poets presents a reading featuring poet Sharon Smith-Knight, Wine-Sip and Other Delicious Poems, open mic to follow, free, online via Zoom, 7:30 pm PDT (Zoom link here: www.poetrysuperhighway.com/cobalt/calendar.html)
30 JUNE 2021 — wednesday
- Point Reyes Books presents essayist Gillian Osborne reading from and discussing her new book, Green Green Green, a collection of essays exploring history, horticulture, and the green world, free, online, 6:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.ptreyesbooks.com/event/gillian-osborne)
- City Lights Books presents novelist and essayist Kate Zambreno, Drifts, Appendix Project, discussing her new book To Write as if Already Dead, part novella, part study, exploring friendship, language, identity, and bodies against the backdrop of French writer Hervé Guibert's novel, To the Friend Who Did Not Save My Life, in conversation with writer T Fleischmann, Time Is the Thing a Body Moves Through, free, online via Zoom, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.citylights.com/bookstore/?fa=books_events)
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