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Make a Donation to Watershed

Dear Friend of Watershed,

Each year, in support of the Watershed Environmental Poetry Festival, we commission a limited edition broadside of a poem by one of our featured readers. A poem for 2014 will be selected soon. Meanwhile, we'd like to make available signed broadsides from past festivals.

As a thank you for your donation of $30 to benefit Watershed, you will receive a beautiful broadside, hand printed by Alastair Johnston with an original block print. (It will be mailed to you in protective cardboard.)

"Geography of the Near Past" by Al Young (2006)

"Geography of the Near Past" is a subtle, monochromatic broadside, with muted silver ink tones, signed by the poet and hand printed by Alastair Johnston, illustrated by Grace T. Gomez. Your donation of $30 (includes shipping and handling) benefits the Watershed Festival. Click on image to enlarge to read poem.

The Watershed Environmental Poetry Festival is a project of Poetry Flash, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, federal tax ID #94-3096270. Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

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