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30 SEPTEMBER 2023 — saturday

  • The Dancing Poetry Festival presents a memorial concert in honor of poet Richard Angilly, co-founder of the Poetic Dance Theater Company and who served as president of the Ina Coolbrith Circle for thirty years; the performance celebrates Angilly's life as well as the arts of poetry and dance together, Social Hall of Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley, 1 Lawson Road, Kensington, free, 1:00-4:00 pm PDT (Email: to RSVP)
  • 42nd Annual Northern California Book Awards, honoring the published works and authors of Northern California, as well as California translators state-wide, presenting the FRED CODY AWARD, RECOGNITION and GROUNDBREAKER AWARDS, and awards in FICTION, POETRY, CREATIVE NONFICTION, GENERAL NONFICTION, CALIFORNIA TRANSLATION IN POETRY, CALIFORNIA TRANSLATION IN PROSE, CHILDREN'S LITERATURE, YOUNGER READERS, MIDDLE GRADE, YOUNG ADULT, bookselling follows, selected by Northern California Book Reviewers and sponsored by Poetry Flash, Koret Auditorium, San Francisco Main Library, 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco, free, 2:00 pm PDT (Check back for updates, or
  • Sacramento Poetry Alliance presents a poetry reading by Camille Norton, Corruption, and Stella Beratlis, Dust Bowl Venus, Sacramento Poetry Alliance, 1169 Perkins Way, Sacramento, free, 4:00 pm PDT (More information here:

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