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27 JULY 2023 — thursday
- Beyond Baroque presents poet, screenwriter, and translator Kenneth Reveiz, celebrating their debut collection, MOPES: A Book of Poems in Three Acts, winner of the Fence Modern Poets Series Prize, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free, 8:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.beyondbaroque.org)
28 JULY 2023 — friday
29 JULY 2023 — saturday
- Second Sundays presents a special reading, "Pride & Joy,' to finish out Pride Month, featuring queer poets griffin epstein, Nicole Tallman, Lannie Stabile, Andrea Deeken, Ben Kline, and Dior J. Stephens; come hear poetry that celebrates queer joy, online via Zoom, free, 5:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: secondsundayreadings.com)
- Marin Poetry Center presents their Summer Traveling Show 2023, featuring poets Carol Sheldon, Morgan Reed, Barry Peterson, Ella Eytan, Angelika Quirk, Simona Carini, hosted by Sandra Cross, Mill Valley Public Library, 375 Throckmorton Avenue, Mill Valley, free, 2:00 pm-3:00 pm PDT (More information here: marinpoetrycenter.org)
- Beyond Baroque presents poet and visual artist Mahtem Shiferraw, Fuchsia, winner of the Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poets, reading from her newest book, Nomenclatures of Invisibility, joined by poet Jessica Abughattas, Strip, winner of the 2020 Etel Adnan Poetry Prize, book signings will follow the reading, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free, 7:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.beyondbaroque.org)
30 JULY 2023 — sunday
- Fabulosa Books presents "Queer Poetry Night," featuring Daniel WK Lee, Anatomy of Want, Octavio R. González, Limerence, and Yume Kim, Reserve the Right, Fabulosa Books, 489 Castro Street, San Francisco, free, 4:30 pm-6:30 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.eventbrite.com/e/queer-poetry-daniel-wk-lee-octavio-r-gonzalez-and-yume-kim-tickets-668375297507?aff=oddtdtcreator)
- Poetry of the Sierra Foothills presents poet Chris (J.C.) Olander, Twilight Roses, and Beverly Parayno, Wildflowers, stories, open mic follows, at a boutique winery, Chateau Davell, 3020 Vista Tierra Drive, right off Highway 50, four miles from Placerville, in Camino, free, 2:00 pm-4:00 pm PDT
31 JULY 2023 — monday
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