Gail Wronsky
Southern California Poetry Festival: Gail Wronsky, Harmony Holiday, Erin Marie Lynch, more
16 NOVEMBER 2024 — saturday
The second day of the Southern California Poetry Festival features generative workshops on the craft of poetry led by Maya Salameh and others, and readings in the theater by emerging and established SoCal literary voices curated by El Martillo Press, Spill Way Magazine, Punk Hostage Press, and Women Who Submit; after lunch in the garden, poets Sarah Yanni, Elina Katrin, and Summer Farah dive into the editorial, curatorial, and design aspects of their books, and discuss their experiences in the publishing world; followed by poets from Tijuana reading their texts including Charles Bukowski's first translator into Spanish, Roberto Castillo Udiarte, joined by Iván García Mora, Martin Camps, and Marlon PV; Gabrielle Civil, Muriel Leung, Safia Elhilo, and Ryka Aoki share from their newly published fiction and memoirs; the day concludes with Harmony Holiday, Erin Marie Lynch, and Gail Wronsky debuting new works commissioned for the festival in the season finale of The NEW Series, followed by n afterparty with DJ Gemma Castro, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free, 11:00 am-9:30 pm PST (For more information, visit: