Elizabeth Robinson
Apogee 25th Anniversary: Elizabeth Robinson, Maxine Chernoff, Alice Jones, Edward Smallfield, Truong Tran, more
5 OCTOBER 2024 — saturday
Apogee Press welcomes all for a celebration of their 25th anniversary with food, drinks, books for sale, and books for free; two sessions feature, 2:00 pm poetry reading: Barbara Tomash, Elizabeth Robinson, Laura Walker, Maxine Chernoff, and Paul Hoover, followed by the 4:00 pm poetry reading: Alice Jones, Edward Smallfield, Denise Newman, Stephen Hemenway, Truong Tran, and Valerie Coulton, Orinda Community Church, 10 Irwin Way, Orinda, free, 1:00 pm PDT (For more information, visit: www.facebook.com/events/815420510428764/?paipv=0&eav=AfZGTyXmNe7FbTK1NAguR0VFCAHTkM6kjX46hUDJ5OWLMcqxS0b6LmM49MbwdycP2Ng&_rdr)