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Lucille Lang Day

Lucille Lang Day, Stephen Meadows, Kurt Schweigman

30 JUNE 2024 — sunday

Poetry Flash presents a reading by Lucille Lang Day, Birds of San Pancho and Other Poems of Place, Stephen Meadows, Winter Work, and Kurt Schweigman, Confluences of Solitude, Jered's Pottery, 5743 A Horton Street, Emeryville, refreshments, free, 3:00 pm PDT (,

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Lucille Lang Day is the author of four poetry chapbooks and seven full-length collections, most recently Birds of San Pancho and Other Poems of Place. Left Margin LIT's David Roderick says, "Very few poets possess the acute observational power on display in Lucille Lang Day's Birds of San Pancho. In lyric, narrative, and meditative forms, Day's curiosity and love for the world radiate from every page. The life affirming vision in this book makes it a perfect read for our fraught time." She edited the anthology Poetry and Science: Writing Our Way to Discovery, coedited Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California and Red Indian Road West: Native American Poetry from California, and authored two children's books and a memoir. Her honors include the Blue Light Poetry Prize, two PEN Oakland, Josephine Miles Literary Awards, the Joseph Henry Jackson Award, and eleven Pushcart Prize nominations. The founder and publisher of Scarlet Tanager Books, she is of Wampanoag, British, and Swiss/German descent.

Stephen Meadows's latest book of poems is Winter Work. Kitty Costello says, "These poems offer clear, clean witnessing of our beautiful aching world…Meadows brings us into deep sensory presence, filling us with reverence for each living moment, with grief for each precious, passing being." His previous collections include Releasing the Days, The Sounds of Rattles and Clappers, and The Dirt is Red Here. A descendant of the Ohlone peoples who built the Carmel Mission, gold rush families, and a farm family in Carmel Valley, his work has appeared in Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California and Red Indian Road West as well as the spoken word CDs Red Smoke Dawn Wind and Mignon Geli's Under a Buffalo Sun. His poem "For the Living" can be found on a bronze plaque along the Embarcadero on San Francisco's waterfront. Among his many occupations he worked for thirty years as a public radio programmer of folk music; he also worked for more than twenty years as an educator and mentor in public schools.

Kurt Schweigman's new book of poems is Confluences of Solitude. Jimmy Santiago Baca says, "Boisterous as rapids after rainfall, subversive and tactful, here's a poetry raised on fire and ice, love and loathing, sorrow and quiet joy. It bursts upon the reader like a wave of wind that unsettles our assumptions." Oglala/Sicangu Lakota born and raised in South Dakota, he formerly performed and published under the nom de plume of Luke Warmwater. With well over 200 featured readings he toured extensively across the United States and Europe with his spoken word poetry. Although long retired from competition, he won more than a few Poetry Slams. Published in several literary journals and anthologies, his forthcoming bilingual poetry book, Roots Define the Reach of my Branches, will be published by Gilgamesh Press in Mantua, Italy. Currently he is writing his first novel titled Sitting Bull in Paris, a work that is both contemporary and historical. He lives in Sonoma County, California.

Daily Listings

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27 SEPTEMBER 2024 — friday

28 SEPTEMBER 2024 — saturday

29 SEPTEMBER 2024 — sunday

  • In this "line break" poetry workshop, "Poetry of the Sixth Sense," participants will use dreams, tarot, the powers of sensory and textual associations, and several generative prompts to help them unblock and access new images and narrative, hosted by poet Alex Mattraw, Raw Anyone, private garden location, South Berkeley, $90-$180, 1:00 pm PDT (For more information, visit:

30 SEPTEMBER 2024 — monday

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