Tribute to Harry Northup
16 SEPTEMBER 2023 — saturday
Beyond Baroque presents a celebration and tribute to acclaimed Los Angeles actor and poet Harry Northup, author of numerous collections including Enough the Great Running Chapel and most recently Love Poem to MPTF, featuring poets and guest speakers Courteney Bailey, Bob Beitcher, Laurel Ann Bogen, Jeanette Clough, Jennifer Clymer, Corinne Conley, James Cushing, Michael C Ford, Amelie Frank, Amy Gerstler, David Lloyd Glover, Steve Goldman, Celeste Goyer, S.A. Griffin, Susan Hayden, Harvey Kubernik, Phoebe MacAdams, Sarah Maclay, Holaday Mason, Richard Modiano, Bill Mohr, Quentin Ring, Beth Ruscio, Aram Saroyan, Jack Skelley, George Drury Smith, Mike Sonksen, Pam Ward, and Gail Wronsky, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free, 2:00-5:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: