Ralph Angel (1951-2020) Memorial Reading
14 MARCH 2021 — sunday
Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center presents a memorial reading in honor of poet and translator Ralph Angel, 1951-2020, (Your Moon, winner of the Green Rose Poetry Prize, Exceptions and Melancholies: Poems 1986-2006, winner of the PEN USA Poetry Award), featuring readings by Andrea Beltran, Molly Bendall, Elena Karina Byrne, Gillian Conoley, Mark Cox, Jody Gladding, Stella Hayes, Rick Jackson, Sarah Maclay, Holaday Mason, Ata Moharreri, Jim Natal, Mary Ruefle, David St. John, Arthur Vogelsang, Jonathan Wells, Jan Wesley, and Sholeh Wolpe, free, online via Zoom, Noon PDT (Register to attend: www.eventbrite.com/e/a-tribute-to-ralph-angel-tickets-142824934223)