Nicholas Friedman
Nicholas Friedman and Laura Glenn
25 APRIL 2019 — thursday
Poetry Flash presents a poetry reading by Nicholas Friedman, Petty Theft, winner of the New Criterion Poetry Prize, and Laura Glenn, When the Ice Melts, Moe's Books, 2476 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, wheelchair accessible, 7:30 (510/849-2087, www.moesbooks.com)
Nicholas Friedman’s debut poetry book, Petty Theft, is the winner of this year’s New Criterion Poetry Prize. B.H. Fairchild says, “As the political life of the nation descends further into lies and doublespeak, there is a poet in California who remembers the art of poetry, practices it superbly, and so, like Keats, is able to offer us the music of Truth ‘proved upon our pulses.’” Currently a Jones Lecturer in Poetry at Stanford University, he is a former Wallace Stegner Fellow and the recipient of a Ruth Lilly Fellowship from the Poetry Foundation.
Laura Glenn's new book of poems is When the Ice Melts. Alice Fulton says, "No poet better expresses the way in which our physical, literal position in the world changes our perception of the world…a vision so profound and riddling, I was reminded , at times, of Dickinson." Her first collection is I Can't Say I'm Lost. Widely published in literary journals and several anthologies, she's also a visual artist and lives in Ithaca, New York, where she works as a freelance editor.