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Erin Rodoni

D. Nurkse and Erin Rodoni

1 NOVEMBER 2018 — thursday

Poetry Flash presents a poetry reading by D. Nurkse, Love in the Last Days: After Tristan and Iseult, and Erin Rodini, Body, in Good Light, wheelchair accessible, Moe's Books, 2476 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, 7:30 (510/849-2087,

D. Nurkse's new book of poems is Love in the Last Days: After Tristan and Iseult. Philip Levine said, "The voice behind these poems…that deepest voice we hear rarely if ever and then only in poems, the voice of those closest to us, those we love and care for and who—because they are human—remain mysteries…No one is writing more potently than this." He is author of ten previous collections of poems. A former Laureate of Brooklyn, his recent honors include a Literature Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters and a Guggenheim fellowship. He has also written about human rights.
Erin Rodoni is the author of two recent poetry collections: Body, in Good Light, from Sixteen Rivers Press, and A Landscape for Loss, winner of the Stevens Award sponsored by the National Federation of State Poetry Societies. Sandra Alcosser said of Body, in Good Light, "A reader slips into this delicate and gracious book of poems as if into an estuary, subject to the waxing and waning of its subtle currents. Erin Rodoni's generous spirit flows forward as she creates her vision through exquisite and mysterious poems: 'Our muscles are toned to transfer/ gentleness. From lover to child. From stranger/ to self and back again.'" Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Best New Poets, Blackbird, Colorado Review, and Poetry Northwest, among others. In 2017, she won the Ninth Letter Literary Award for poetry and The Montreal International Poetry Prize.

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