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Lola Haskins

Lola Haskins and Carolyn Miller

6 APRIL 2017 — thursday

Poetry Flash presents a poetry reading by Lola Haskins, How Small, Confronting Morning, and Carolyn Miller, Route 66 and Its Sorrows, request ASL interpreters one week in advance at, wheelchair accessible, Moe's Books, 2476 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, 7:30 (510/849-2087,

Lola Haskins's new book of poems is How Small, Confronting Morning. W. S. Merwin has said, "She writes with the startling freedom and grace of a kite flying, and with the variety and assurance of invention that reveal, in image after image, the dream behind the waking world." She has published nine books of poetry, including The Grace to Leave and Still. Recently named Honorary Chancellor of the Florida State Poetry Association, she has also won the Iowa Poetry Prize, the Emily Dickinson prize from the Poetry Society of America, two Florida Book Awards, and two fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts.
Carolyn Miller's new book of poems is Route 66 and Its Sorrows. Philip Levine has said of her poems, "Their music and vocabulary draw their strength from the best that has endured in poetry in English from Wyatt to Williams, and while they are original, they are also as ordinary as bread or wine." Her previous collections are After Cocteau and Light, Moving as well as four limited-edition letterpress chapbooks. Her poems have been featured on Poetry Daily and The Writer's Almanac, and they have been anthologized in Garrison Keillor's Good Poems, American Places, among other publications and honors.

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