Richard M. Levine
Richard Michael Levine and Marilyn Stablein
8 FEBRUARY 2015 — sunday
Poetry Flash presents a reading by Richard Michael Levine and Marilyn Stablein, request ASL interpreters one week in advance from editor@poetryflash.org, wheelchair accessible, Diesel, A Bookstore, 5433 College Avenue, Oakland, 3:00 (510/653-9965, dieselbookstore.com)
Catch and Other Poems is Richard Michael Levine's first book of poems. Dean Young says, "Catch and Other Poems…forcefully reminds us that the first and foremost power of imagination is to see. Vividly looking backward or forward, or brilliantly in the present, these poems plunge us into the stuff of life with clarity, depth of feeling and pizzazz." He has written articles for many national publications, such as Harper's, Rolling Stone, The New York Times Magazine, and Esquire. A former professor at UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism, he's the author of a bestselling true crime book, Bad Blood: A Family Murder in Marin County and the short story collection, The Man Who Gave Away His Organs.
Marilyn Stablein's Splitting Hard Ground: New Poems won the New Mexico Book Award and the National Federation of Press Woman Award. Pierre Delattre says, "In her previous writing she guided us to the burning ghats, to observe the offerings of others. Now this poet of power and compassion moves us to that holy ground again. Carrying the spirit of her son on her back, she makes an offering for us all." She is also a widely exhibited visual artist. After seven years in the Himalayas in the post-Beat 1960s she wrote the memoir Sleeping in Caves, The Census Taker Travelers Tales, and Night Travels to Tibet, a sequence of prose poems based on dreams.