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Tiff Dressen

Tiff Dressen, Todd Melicker, and Joseph Noble

3 APRIL 2014 — thursday

Poetry Flash presents "3x3," a poetry reading by three poets with three new books: Tiff Dressen, Todd Melicker, and Joseph Noble, request ASL interpreters one week in advance from, wheelchair accessible, Moe's Books, 2476 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, 7:30 (510/849-2087,

Tiff Dressen's first full-length book of poems is Songs from the Astral Bestiary. Andrew Joron says, "Think of a deer, nervously alert, stepping into a meadow hushed with dawn light. That is the way language moves in Tiff Dressen's poetry. Every pause, every space in this work seems charged by a presence that holds both promise and danger." Her chapbooks include Keeper, Because Icarus-children and for Aeolus: variations on the element.
Todd Melicker's debut collection is Rendezvous. Gillian Conoley says, "In the rendezvous Melicker has so importunely invited us to, fantastic moments arise sudden as love and its psychic upheavals.…Something new seems to be going on with the abstract lyric here, in the exacting music of Melicker's work.…How bracing to have such a trusting guide as Melicker, since 'to swallow/ light there is/ no needle like me.'" His chapbooks include day collects, the immaculate autopsy, and king & queen.
Joseph Noble's new book of poems is Antiphonal Airs. David Meltzer says of it, "A sumptuous collection by poet-musician Joseph Noble. The certainty of his pitch & intonation reveals a distinct tender voice. Measured, graceful, his work sustains its depth throughout." His first collection was An Ives Set. His three essays on George Oppen have appeared in Talisman, Aufgabe, and Sagetrieb. In addition to writing poetry, he plays flute and saxophone in the quartets Ourobouros and Cloud Shepherd.

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