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Tim Kahl

Tim Kahl and Joshua McKinney

26 MAY 2013 — sunday

Poetry Flash presents a reading by Tim Kahl and Joshua McKinney, wheelchair accessible, request ASL interpreters one week in advance from, Diesel, A Bookstore, 5433 College Avenue, Oakland, 3:00 (510/653-9965,

More about the readers
Tim Kahl's new book of poems is The Century of Travel. Camille Norton says of it, "Tim Kahl's poems are an "open source" for the end of the West. These big, bold poems swerve between history and pop culture, between nineteenth century bull and bear baiting to twenty-first century bull and bear markets." Also author of the collection Possessing Yourself, he is vice president and events coordinator for the Sacramento Poetry Center, appears as Victor Shnickelfritz at the poetry blog "The Great American Pinup" and the video blog "Linebreak Studios," and is editor of Bald Trickster Press.
Joshua McKinney's new book is Mad Cursive. In this book, McKinney, an accomplished swordsman, moves toward the Japanese concept of binbu ichi—"the unity of martial and literary arts"—a Samurai ideal. Claudia Keelan wrote, "The poems in Mad Cursive move gracefully between beauty and destruction, the essential real locale of poetry in our times. A mad swordsman inside a poet-seer, McKinney dares to locate what resembles, in my reading, spirit laid bare.…A truly courageous book." McKinney is the author of two previous collections, Saunter, co-winner of the University of Georgia Press Poetry Series competition, and The Novice Mourner, winner of the Dorothy Brunsman Poetry Prize.

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