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Lucille Lang Day and Katherine Hastings

21 OCTOBER 2012 — sunday

Poetry Flash presents a reading and book launch by Lucille Lang Day, Married at Fourteen, a memoir, and Katherine Hastings, Cloud Fire, poems, Diesel, A Bookstore, 5433 College Avenue, Oakland, 3:00 (510/653-9965,; wheelchair accessible, ASL interpreters for the deaf and hearing impaired may be requested a week in advance by email,

More about the readers
Lucille Lang Day will be reading from her memoir Married at Fourteen: A True Story. Herbert Gold says of it, "Lucy Day's story of her life as a teenage mother and beyond is one of the great American contemporary memoirs." She is the winner of the Willow Review Award in Creative Nonfiction and a Notable Essay citation in Best American Essays. She has published eight books of poems and chapbooks, including The Curvature of Blue and Infinities. Her first poetry collection, Self-Portrait with Hand Microscope, received the Joseph Henry Jackson Award. Day is the founder and Director of the Oakland-based press Scarlet Tanager Books.
Katherine Hastings's first full-length book of poems is Cloud Fire. Gillian Conoley says, "How refreshing to come across a book like Katherine Hastings' marvelous Cloud Fire, rich and verdant in formal experiment and range. Mixing lyrics, narratives, curses, blessings, spells, and unabashed love poems, the work is hard-won and honest, generous and rigorous." She has also published two chapbooks, Fog Light and Updraft. Hastings is the host of WordTempleon NPR affiliate KRCB FM and curator of the WordTemple Poetry Series in Sonoma County.

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