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Chad Sweeney and MFA Poets from CSU-San Bernardino

22 MARCH 2012 — thursday

Poetry Flash presents a poetry reading by Chad Sweeney and MFA Poets from CSU-San Bernardino: Nikia Chaney, Natalie Skeith, Andre Katkov, John Perham and Melissa Haklitch, Moe's Books, 2476 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, 7:30 (510/849-2087,

More about the readers
Chad Sweeney's two new books are The Art of Stepping Through Time, Selected Poems, his co-translation of the poetry of H.E. Sayeh, one of Iran's most celebrated poets, and his own Wolf Milk: Lost Poems of Juan Sweeney. He is the author of three previous books of poems, most recently Parables of Hide and Seek, about which Bob Hicok says, "Chad Sweeney's poems are matryoshka dolls of imagination: strangeness inside longing inside charm. Relentlessly figurative, they read as dreamscapes and translations: if the human soul has peripheral vision, these poems are what it sees." His poems have appeared in Best American Poetry 2008 and Verse Daily. With David Holler is the editor of the literary journal Parthenon West Review. Chad Sweeney teaches poetry in the MFA program at California State University, San Bernardino. On a road trip from southern California, he will be sharing this reading with graduate student poets from the CSU-San Bernardino program.

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