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Barbara Henning, Andrew Joron and Steve Katz

24 FEBRUARY 2011 — thursday

Poetry Flash presents Barbara Henning, Cities and Memory, Andrew Joron, Trance Archive, and Steve Katz, Time's Wallet, Moe's Books, 2476 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, 7:30 (510/849-2087,; wheelchair accessible, ASL interpreters for the deaf and hearing impaired may be requested a week in advance by email,

More about the readers
Barbara Henning is both a poet and a novelist. Her new book of poems is Cities and Memory about which Erica Hunt says, "Barbara Henning is a practitioner of the long view…her knowing is voracious and nuanced and delicately aware…She writes the weather and the tides and she writes in what some say is an unnatural craft and she makes it seem natural." She has published four other books of poems, several chapbooks, and three novels, the newest of which is Thirty Miles to Rosebud a "story of bohemian life…in the '70s and '80s."

Andrew Joron's new book of poems is Trance Archive: New and Selected Poems; "Joron, far more…than any…of his contemporaries, is a magician, an alchemist of words…Reading his work is like entering a hall of mirrors," John Olson, Tillalala Chronicles. Among his recent books of poems are The Sound Mirror and The Cry at Zero. Born in Stuttgart, Germany, raised in the U.S., he is the translator of Literary Essays by the German Marxist philosopher Ernst Bloch. Among his honors are three Rhysling Awards and two Gertrude Stein Awards.

Steve Katz is a novelist and a poet. His new book, Time's Wallet, is a memoir written in discrete sections he calls 'memoirrhoids', occurring in the spontaneous patterns of memory and cohering as a work of art. He has published many novels, some with big, commercial houses in New York and some as a pioneer member of Fiction Collective. Along a complex way, wending across the country and to Italy, working for the forest service, in a mercury mine, and as a bartender, he co-write a film called Grassland and published, along with much prose, several books of poetry.

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