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Judy Grahn with Anne Carol and Katherine Hastings

27 JANUARY 2011 — thursday

Poetry Flash presents a poetry reading by Judy Grahn, love belongs to those who do the feeling, with musician Anne Carol, and Katherine Hastings, Updraft, Moe's Books, 2476 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, 7:30 (510/849-2087,; wheelchair accessible, ASL interpreters for the deaf and hearing impaired may be requested a week in advance by email,

More about the readers
Judy Grahn's most recent books are the new and selected poems love belongs to those who do the feeling, 2008, and The Judy Grahn Reader, 2009. Judy Grahn is one of the towering pioneers in both feminist and gay and lesbian literature. The publication of her The Common Woman Poems in 1972 was a countercultural lightning bolt, followed through the 1970s and '80s and beyond by her myth-based poetry and her books of social theory. Her honors include an American Book Award for Queen of Wands and a Bill Whitehead Lifetime Achievement Award from The Publishing Triangle. She will be performing with singer, songwriter, and musician Anne Carol. Their new CD is Lunarchy.

Katherine Hasting's new book of poems is Updraft. F. D. Reeve says of her work, "Her affection for the living and her compassion for the dead vividly depict the world as it is while allowing her to project the freedom of transforming love. The language shimmers, the endings shine, the book announces a brilliant talent." She is the host of WordTemple on Santa Rosa's NPR affiliate KRCB FM and founder of the WordTemple Poetry Series in Sonoma County. Her poetry has been widely published in literary journals and anthologies.

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